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【成果分享】王安智教授(China Europe International Business School, CEIBS):IT takes a village to cultivate a responsible leader: A case of rural e-commerce clusters.


  On April 25th, 2024, the Department of Information Management, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, was privileged to host Professor An-Chih Andrew Wang from the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) for a compelling guest lecture. The event was part of the “Seminar in Advanced Information Systems” course, led by Professor Jen-Her Wu as the course instructor, aimed at enriching the doctoral program’s curriculum. Professor Wang brought a unique perspective with his talk titled “IT takes a village to cultivate a responsible leader: A case of rural e-commerce clusters.” 

  Delving deep into the dynamics of rural e-commerce development, Professor Wang’s lecture explored the intricate balance between technology, leadership, and community engagement. Through the case study of a rural village that transformed into a thriving e-commerce hub, he demonstrated how technology can empower communities and foster sustainable economic growth. The session shed light on the transformative power of IT in rural settings, challenging conventional wisdom about the digital divide. 

  Professor Wang’s approach, which emphasizes the importance of responsible leadership in technology adoption, sparked thoughtful discussion among the attending scholars. His insights on how rural communities can leverage e-commerce platforms to overcome geographical and socio-economic barriers resonated strongly, highlighting the potential for IT to catalyze significant social change. 

  The interaction was incredibly enriching for doctoral students, who were able to connect theory with real-world applications. Professor Wang encouraged the students to consider the broader implications of their research in information systems, particularly in terms of ethical considerations and the role of technology in addressing global challenges.

  This lecture not only enriched the academic experience of those present but also underscored the Department of Information Management’s commitment to exploring diverse aspects of technology and society. It opened new avenues for research and collaboration, particularly in understanding how IT can serve as a cornerstone for community development and leadership. 



