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[Call for Paper] The Second Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Management(TSWIM 2014)


2014 Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Management


由國立中山大學電子商務中心與資訊管理系主辦的「第二屆台灣資訊管理夏季研討會」(TSWIM 2014),將於2014年7月01日至03日,在高雄舉行。TSWIM致力於推動台灣與其他國家之間的資訊系統 (IS)學者及博士研究生之研究合作。此次TSWIM研討會將邀請台灣與國外對當前尖端的資訊系統與管理議題有研究興趣的學者,進行相關範疇(包括個人、企業、組織與社會)的討論與互動交流。



敬祝     研安







  The Second Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Management (TSWIM 2014) will be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on July 1-3, 2014. It will be organized and hosted by Electronic Commerce Research Center and Department of Information Management, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University. TSWIM promotes research collaboration between Information Systems (IS) scholars and PhD students in Taiwan and other countries. The main purpose of TSWIM is to provide a forum for discussion and interaction among Taiwanese and international scholars with research interests in the cutting edge issues of information systems and management on individuals, businesses, organizations, and societies.

  We welcome submissions of original research papers addressing issues concerning the theory, design, development, evaluation, and application of information technologies and management. High-quality papers will be invited to journals for fast-track publication. Since it is a research workshop, TSWIM also actively solicits innovative and thought-provoking papers describing novel research ideas that may be at a relatively early stage of development (research-in-progress submissions) to improve its future publication possibility. We encourage IS PhD students to submit their thesis-in-progress work to TSWIM. International IS scholars will be invited as discussants to provide comments for paper presentations.

Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland (Editor-in-Chief of Information Systems Research)
Patrick Chau, the University of Hong Kong (Editor-in-Chief of Information & Management)
Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona (Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions onManagement Information Systems)
James Marsden, University of Connecticut (Editor-in-Chief of Decision Support Systems)
Vallabh Sambamurthy, Michigan State University (Former Editor-in-Chief of Information Systems Research; AIS Fellow)
Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia (Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the AIS)
Kwok-Kee Wei, City University of Hong Kong (AIS Fellow and former president of AIS)

Conference URL:
